Junior year should be spent engaging in career building activities such as internships, research assistant positions or student teaching. This is also the time to decide whether pursuing graduate school immediately after graduation is right for you.

While most majors require an internship to be taken in the Senior Year, it’s not too early to consider an internship outside of your academic internship course. Early internships prepare students for more competitive internships in the senior year.

While most majors will require that the academic internship course (the one with credit) be taken in the Senior Year, the INT1010 Independent Internship course is available to students who wish to complete an early internship. This course will put the internship on your transcript and serves as a course of record for internship employers who require that students are enrolled in an internship course. The INT1010 Independent Internship course does not charge a course credit rate, is 0 credits, and is taught fully online in the fall, spring, and summer terms.

Graduate school plans vary from student to student and not one timeline fits all. For students who would like to attend graduate school directly after graduation from Emmanuel, Junior year is the time to select schools and begin the process of taking entrance exams. Both your Career Advisor, and ARC tutors are available to support your graduate school application process.

It is highly encouraged that you are meeting with your Career Advisor each year and by Junior Year, all students should have completed at least one meeting with a Career Advisor. Ideally more!