On Monday November 13th, the McCafferty Career Center hosted the annual Industry Recruitment Series for Science, Research, and Healthcare.
Students in the Science, Research and Healthcare Career Community attended the event with 14 different employers.  Some employers who attended the event were Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Volunteer Department, Boston Medical Center, and more.
This Industry Recruitment was a huge success as over 75 students attended the event. One student said, “I loved it, I think it was really well organized,” and 90% of students felt that they gained confidence in their ability to interact with people on a professional level.
All the employers that attended the event had great feedback saying it was a, “great set up,” and that, “students came prepared with great resumes”. This event has consistently proven success not only with students but among employers as well.
To see opportunities from this event click here. For upcoming Industry Recruitment Series in your field of study, please visit the events page on Career Connect for more information.